【May update】Support Ukrainian Animals

When news of the Russian invasion of the Ukraine reached Japan, ARK immediately began discussions of how we could help people fleeing the warzone with their animals. We started fundraising for local groups and contacted the Ukraine Embassy. We found what we believe to be the best way to help.
Ordinarily, the period an animal spends in quarantine in Japan can be reduced by vaccinating against rabies and completing the appropriate procedures in one’s own country. This is not an op- tion for emergency evacuees. Most animals from the Ukraine are expected to spend the full term – 180 days – in quarantine. Many people saw the Pomeranian, Ray, on TV and learned that his own- er would be faced with fees she would struggle to pay.
Most evacuees in need of help from ARK asked us to pay these fees. They have no family in Japan and somestruggled to find pet- friendly housing. Most of the housing provided by the government for evacuees did not allow pets. ARK was able to help not only by paying quarantine fees for several evacuees, but also by providing temporary foster care for the beloved cat of one.
ARK has offered financial and other support to 5 families over the last year. We have paid quarantine fees, provided temporary fos- ter care and transported animals to their next destinations. Most of these animals served the full quarantine term. We received 1.19 million yen in contributions and have spent the entire amount in support. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support.
One family ARK was able to support came to Japan in October 2022 with their cat, which needed to be quarantined until April this year. The family consulted ARK about covering the quarantine fees. We were happy to provide the entire amount. The family was joined by their beloved cat in early April. Anfisa is happy and healthy and seems to be enjoying the lifestyle!
ARK received this email from the family:
Dear Animal Refuge Kansai,
I am writing today to express my heartfelt gratitude to you. My sister-in-law’s beloved cat, Anfisa, finally came home on the 8th. My sister- and mother-in-law are over the moon with delight. Anfisa has become quite comfortable in her new country of abode, Japan. She is now very nearby, so I will be able to help whenever necessary. The situation in the Ukraine is still murky and dim. People are filled with hatred and dispair. Their hearts are shattered. The more I try to find the right words to thank you, the more I grateful I realize I am. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. Please thank everyone who has helped you help us.

Sadly, the war shows no sign of waning, despite a year having passed since its commencement. ARK will continue to support evacuees in need.
May 1, 2023
Thank you for your continued support!
As we wrote in June, ARK has pledged its support to Ukrainians who have had to flee from their homeland with their pets and arrived safely in Japan.
Our support is ongoing, but we would like to share one very happy episode with you.
We have been in touch with a young Ukrainian woman since her arrival in Japan with her beloved cat.
Her cat completed Japanese quarantine in July. As the owner has not yet moved into pet-friendly accommodation, the cat will stay with an ARK family until cat and owner can be permanently reunited.
ARK staff had the pleasure of accompanying the owner to quarantine and picking up her beautiful cat, Freya.
It won’t be long now before the two can live together again. We’ll keep Freya happy and safe until then!
Thank you to each of you who has helped make this possible!
Financial support received as of June 30, 2022 ¥745,500
We ask your continued support and understanding.
Please click here to contribute.

July 18, 2022
It is been a month since we asked for help in our efforts to help animals from the Ukraine.
ARK carefully considered the best way to help and decided to use your generous donations to help Ukrainian animals whose families have brought them to Japan.
We are pleased to say that we have been able to extend assistance to families who have had to leave their country with their pets to escape the horrors of war.
While we would like to offer details of the way we have used your donations so far, ARK respects the privacy of the evacuees. After discussion with relevant people, we have decided not to publicise details at this time. We ask your understanding and continued support. ARK apologises for any concern this may cause and hopes to provide details once the evacuees have settled into new homes with their beloved pets.
Financial support received as of May 31, 2022: ¥278,500
ARK has applied 100% of your donations to helping evacuees and their pets.
We ask your continued support and understanding at this difficult time.
Please click here to contribute.
June 6, 2022
As the war in Ukraine moves into its second month, we are saddened every day by the scenes we see on our TV screens of the devastation there; the plight of women and children fleeing across borders into neighbouring countries, those still trapped underground in city basements and we can imagine the terror of the animals left there to starve. How can we help them? Some of our members and supporters have contacted us and asked how they can help. Although ARK has no direct contact with groups helping animals in Ukraine, we have turned for advice to Dogs Trust Worldwide, which supports ARK together with many other animal welfare organizations around the world. They have given us the contact details of some organizations; one a group helping animals inside Ukraine, the other on the Romanian border, helping people with their pets there, and their own appeal homepage. Please check the homepage details below of these groups on ways you can support them or support Dogs Trust’ efforts through ARK. Donations are accepted by PayPal or credit card. We ask your support in making a difference to Ukrainian animals.
ARK also pledges support to Ukrainian refugees who have fled the war zone with their beloved pets. Please check our website for updates.
April 15, 2022
Support the Ukraine through ARK
Scan the QR codes below with your smartphone to donate by credit card, Google Pay or ApplePay.
* If you choose ApplePay, please be sure to use Safari as your browser.
* To donate from a Mac device, please ensure that you are using macOS no earlier than 10.14.1 or iOS 12.1.
* Make sure the credit card registered with Apple Pay or Google Pay is valid.
Donate via bank transfer:
Mitsubishi UFJ Bank
Ikeda Branch
Account: 1315229 Animal Refuge Kansai
You may also donate through the following organizations:
Ukraine support: https://upaw.org/
UPAW is working with Animal –id.net and four-paws.org
Romanian support: https://www.savethedogs.eu/en/
Dogs Trust support. https://www.dogstrust.org.uk/latest/latest-appeal/ukraine
Also operating from within Japan is Petya Lowe, whose friends Alesa Shapovalova and Yana Finenko are running a shelter in Ukraine, now saving animals affected by the war.

Volunteer applications for March 2025

【Feb 9】ARK adoption fair in Sanda @ Yurinoki Day Service

【February 16】Tokyo ARK at Denenchofu Green Festa!

【Thank You!】Dog Safety Seminar at Summerhill International School

【Applications Closed 】Volunteer applications for January 2025

Osaka Hilton Hotel Christmas Train Event

ARK Calendar 2025

Adoption Fees