【Thank you!】12.17 (Update) ARK Adoption Event

Although the weather was icy cold, the farmer’s market was bustling with activity! There were booths selling fresh vegetables like chinese cabbage, radish, mushrooms, while the sweet scent of fruits filled the air. They looked delicious!

At the Do One Good Park, our event was located behind a building this time. It was very cold in the shade, but we still had so many visitors! Dog Life Design was our neighboring booth at the event. We are familiar with them through our adoption events at their store in Komazawa. They had so many treats and colorful goods for dogs lined up.

This was Kirara’s first adoption event. She is so cute, so people like to spoil her with affection. The staff kept her warm by cuddling her, and she gladly accepted the hugs. She is not shy, and she welcomed guests by greeting them happily, and asking for belly rubs in return.
Cute, little, fluffy, white, Tuckey! Even in the cold, he had the most energy.

Tuckey loves being called to in sweet and enthusiastic voices. He will come over running with lots of excitement. He trots lightly, but quickly with a smile on his face.

Tuckey was one of the dogs rescued by ARK from a breeder located in the earthquake affected area. Tuckey is the type that loves to receive affection, as he is a gentle and sensitive boy. He needs ointment applied to his left eye, so caution with his eye is essential. Tuckey has been waiting for a long time to find a family of his own. Please come visit Tuckey and show him some love!
Ponyo was especially sensitive to the cold weather at the event. He had to have a scarf wrapped around him to control his shivering and trembling.

After awhile, Ponyo went off into the sun to doze off in the warmth. Ponyo is a sight to behold with his long eyelashes and cute, perfectly round face. He has a dry eye condition that requires eye drops, but otherwise, he is healthy. Please come to future events to come see Ponyo’s adorable face up close!
Makoto is finally not afraid of meeting guests, and is now regularly participating in adoption events. He has been trained with staff and volunteers to not be afraid of receiving hugs and being petted. Much like Tuckey, he is very sensitive and meek, and will require someone gentle.

Tom seemed calm, but he is still new to adoption events. Guests rubbed his round, smooth head… for good luck of course! Everyone who gathered around him seemed at ease. Maybe it’s Tom’s quiet presence that makes everyone calm?

Caesar tried his best to be jovial in the cold. He is a senior, but tried to show everyone his youthful spirit. Well most of the time, he spent on a dog bed trying to keep himself warm

When Tom came over, Caesar happily cuddled close next to him. He used Tom’s back for warmth. They looked very cute sleeping next to one another.。

The next adoption meeting will be announced soon!
A bonus:
Hikaru, who was rehomed in June 2010, came to visit us!
Hikaru was wrapped in a scarf and shivering, but he was very brave to come out and say hello in the cold.
He looked so healthy and happy. We were very proud to see him. Please come visit anytime!
【Thank you!】12.10 Adoption Event at Yamanashi Hemslojd in Omotesando

It has been awhile since our last event at Hemslojd back in September. Our visitors came out to see us even in the cold! Thank you all for coming!
There were ARK goods sold at the event, including the new postcards! (http://arkbark.net/?q=ja/node/3916They can be used as Christmas cards, a gift, etc. ARK is also currently selling the 2012 calendar.(http://arkbark.net/?q=en/node/3748)The goods will also be sold at the next adoption event. The ARK goods would be nice gifts indeed!★☆

Nine cats participated in the adoption event!
Ta-bo was very excited to meet everyone! Brothers Lime and Citrus spent the day cuddled next to each other. They are usually very people friendly, but they were unable to relax.
Sunny, Rose, and Pedro seemed happy to see the guests. Perhaps today we will find a new home?
Yu-hi from Fukushima was selected start a trial period with a family who is interested in adopting her! It has been quite a journey for Yuhi. We are all hoping for the best!★☆

Kurumi, a tiny dachshund, was very popular among the guests. Tom, the french bulldog and Makoto attended their first event. Tom was always pampered at his former home, so he was raised to be quite a gentleman. However, he was nervous being in a room with so many other dogs.
Makoto was a super wimp before going through extensive training to socialize with dogs and people (sorry Makoto, but it’s true…). He made his adoption event debut at last! Since the event atmosphere is still new, he was still a bit hesitant, but he’s made so much progress since he first came to ARK.
To everyone who visited us and our volunteers, thank you! To the Yamanashi Hemslojd shop, we appreciate you providing such nice venue for us this year. Thank you very much for your support!
Thank you all for supporting Tokyo ARK.
The next adoption event will be our very last of 2011!
We look forward to meeting you!
Next Adoption Event:
December 17 (Sat), 12:00 to 15:00
Location: United Nations Farmer’s Market
【Thank you!】11.26 Adoption Event at DOGSIGN in Jingumae
On November 26, 2011 (Saturday), an adoption event was held at DOGSIGN in Jingumae!

We really enjoy the adoption events at DOGSIGN! The previous one scheduled at the venue was unfortunately cancelled due to rain. This time however, we were lucky that the the sun was out, and the weather was nice and warm on the rooftop space. A lot of families visited us to meet the animals! Even families all the way from Sendai came to participate in the event. We were so grateful and happy to meet them all.

Here is sweet, little Ponyo! His vision is not 100%, but he was enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. He was laying out and soaking in the rays the whole time! Everyone wanted to pet his soft, fluffy fur.
Over here (on the right) is Aloha, who has recently become a very gentle, good girl. She kept watch of all the visitors with a calm eye. “Yeah, I think I’m the most beautiful one here….” says Aloha. Her brother Shell and her mama, Loco, were able to find homes. Will Aloha find a family of her own soon?

To all of the guests who came to our event, near and far, thank you for taking the time to participate in our adoption event. We cannot express enough gratitude for your support! Another big thank you to Mr. Ujiki Tsuyoshi who brought some dog goods for the event! The kind gesture put a big smile on everyone’s face that day. Last but not least, thank you to all the volunteers for your hard work and efforts to help us run the event smoothly. We couldn’t do it without you!
The next Adoption Event
October 12 (Sat), 12:00 to 15:00
Location: At Hems Lloyd in Omotesando Yamanashi
【Thank you!】ARK Adoption Event at Dog Life Design in Komazawa 11.5
On November 5, 2011 (Saturday), an adoption event was held at Dog Life Design in Komazawa!
On this day, Komazawa Park, just behind DLD, was holding a lot of events. Komazawa Park was full of green and is very spacious. It is surrounded by many shops and is dog friendly. Since Dog Life Design is located in Komazawa, and we hold events there once a month, we invite everyone to come by and visit the ARK animals!

Poni came to ARK after being rescued from a breeder in the disaster area.
She always does a cute dance, known as the “Walrus Dance.” People cheered her on, as she showed off her dance moves. “Thank you everyone for coming to see me! Hopefully, I can show you my moves again at the next adoption event!”☆
Citrus and Lime, brothers from Osaka, attended the event. Yuhi was there too!
Citrus and Lime are very close and spent the whole time close to one another. While nervous at first, they warmed up to the place and became so comfortable, they ended up taking a nap!

Yu was watching all the dogs running around. It takes Yu a little while to get used to new environments. The adoption event was fast paced and she looked on with curiosity. Hopefully Yu can find a nice family where she can live in happily ever after?
Angel loves to hug, or sit on laps that is. He is such a lovely boy. Since he is a hairless Chinese-crested dog, he needs to get bundled up to fight the cold weather. With winter weather coming up, Angel will need a good skin moisturizer!
Ponyo, who happens to be Poni’s son,was walking around the room happily. “Hello, I’m Ponyo! I’m very cute with my long eyelashes, and I dance just like my mama!” Ponyo managed to charm everyone in the room with his newfound confidence.
You may not be able to see Eita’s eyes in this picture, but don’t worry, he does have eyes! “If you come see me at the adoption events, you’ll be able to see my adorable eyes up close in person!”
Here is Swing, giving us a little smile for the camera. He came to Tokyo a few months ago, after being rescued from a breeder located in the earthquake disaster area. He is now a fashionable city-boy, and looks like a teddy bear! “I am preparing to live with a new family… I hope!” Please come by to meet the lovely, Swing!

It was Miffy! “I’m tired, and I want to sleep in a quiet place…” He is not used to such a fast pace and busy environment. He communicated with the guests differently than the younger dogs but appreciated the gentle attention that came his way. Miffy would do great in a home that is calm, quiet and settled, much like himself!
To everyone who visited us, a great, big thank you! Next time, we hope to see more faces, so please come join us! See you all at the next adoption event!
To our volunteers who helped us in the event thank you for all of your hard work and support! Last but not least, to DLD for being a great and welcoming venue, thank you as always!
Next adoption event:
November 19 (Sat), 12:00 to 15:00
Will be held at: Metropolitan Park Odaiba Sea Breeze, “The ABC’s of Dog”
【Thank you!】ARK Adoption Event at U.N Farmer’s Market 10.29
On October 29,2011 (Saturday) an adoption event was held at the United Nations Farmer’s Market!

The adoption events at the Farmer’s Market are always exciting! The event was held by the U.N building space located on the circle. It was a more secluded place than usual, but we got to use a wide space and the dogs were running around happily!

The Do One Good STORE had their booth set up next to ARK. They sell cute clothes and toys for dogs as well as delicious snacks. Everything was lined up so nice and pretty! Another space nearby had fun events going on with good music and dancing!
After running around in circles, Caesar (left), and Nicely (right), curled up on a cushion withOasis (can you see her curled up in the middle?).
Oasis is only nine months, so she must have ran around a lot to be sleepy!
Suddenly, they all woke up to stat playing again. Oasis insisted on playing with grandpas Caesar and Miffy.
Oasis says, “let’s have fun!”☆
Caesar says, “I’m getting too old to play with kids…”
Miffy says, “Nonsense! You say such a thing, but you’re one year younger than me!”
The grandpas eventually fled from Oasis like they planned, and Oasis had the cushion all to herself. Eleven year old Caesar and twelve year old Miffy, are still healthy and mischievous, but they couldn’t quite keep up with Oasis’ rambunctious ways. Oasis has lots of energy to give after her nap. Any volunteers to play with Oasis?
Van also had lots of fun running around too. “So much activity, I’m thirsty!” He says. Van seemed to be a favorite among those who visited. He’s also featured on his foster’s blog!If anyone is interested in giving out dogs a loving home, please come by and see us!
Next adoption event:
November 5 (Sat), 13:00 to 16:00
Will be held at Dog Life Design in Komzawa!
On October 8, 2011 (Saturday), ARK held an adoption event at DLD!

On the second Saturday of every month, we hold an adoption event at Dog Life Design in Komazawa. To everyone who came by to participate in the event, thank you! We also want to thank DLD for providing the venue once again!
Nicely (4 years old, male, miniature poodle) arrived at ARK after being rescued from a breeder in the quake affected area. Nicely is nice, hence his name! He liked participating in the event and meeting lots of new people. He somehow seemed like a different dog!
”I got a nice haircut! Look at my cute, furry ears!”☆
Our cats also participated in the DLD event!Ta-bo, is looking for an adoption family in Tokyo after coming over to the city from the Osaka shelter in March. This was Ta-bo’s first adoption event, and was a cheery little cat.
Ta-bo is still a kitten, so it is best to have another kitten that he could play with in the household! He will play with other kittens and sleep in a little ball, cuddling with them. The image of them cuddling while sleeping is too cute!
”I came to Tokyo from Osaka with Citrus and Lime. I am ready to be adopted, along with my other fellow Tokyo ARK cats, Sammi, Sunny, Rose, Pedro, Sox, Yuhi, and Ku-chan!!
Next adoption event: October 22 (Sat), 13:00 to 15:00
Will be held at DOGSIGN in Jingumae!
【Thank you!】 Adoption Event at U.N. Farmer’s Market (Update 10/1)
On October 1, 2011 (Saturday), an adoption event was held at the United Nations Farmer’s Market!

It’s been awhile since we held an event at the Do One Good PARK! Under the clear, blue sky, Do One Good Park was filled with tents lined up and selling delicious food. Although the air was cool, there was strong sunlight shining down upon the market.
The dogs that participated in the event were smelling the ground, greeted friends old and new, and observed the faces of the people around them. The dogs seemed very happy to be together.
We are happy to report that a lot of people showed up to our booth to offer support. There were many visitors coming over to meet the dogs that day. We were able to spread the word about our organization to first time visitors and to be able to talk to them about animal welfare issues in our country. Thank you to the Do One Good Park for providing the venue of our adoption event! We are always grateful and happy to participate at the Farmer’s Market!

The 3 Papillon siblings( Loco, Aloha, Shell )were full of smiles towards the visiting guests. Many of the guests commented that Shell was adorable… “Hey, what about us?” asks Loco and Aloha!
Here is Hitomi, getting some rest in a shady area of our pen. She is still getting used to our adoption events, but she did a great job!

Angel here… Because the bones in his jaw were left broken, he had major surgery done to bring bones from his rib into his jaw. The surgery was a success, and the bone in his jaw is stabilized. We want to thank the vet, Nakata Animal Hospital for all of their efforts. Angel was cheerful and delighted by all the loving attention he received. He was hugged, petted, and spoiled by all the attention! He eventually wanted to sleep in someone’s arms.

Van was getting lovely hugs from everyone! They wanted to cuddle him for his soft, fluffy fur! Van is used to adoption events, but he is still looking for a home… We wonder why… He is such a good and adorable dog!
Oasis is growing to be quite a character. She was enjoyed the chance to run around and play with the other dogs and the visitors. She is still a puppy, so she had tons of energy to spare. We hope Oasis finds a good home soon!
Next Adoption Event: October 8 (Sat) 13:00 to 16:00
Location: Dog Life Design at Komazawa!
【Thank you!】 9.24 Adoption Event at ONE LOVE WALK in TOKYO 2011
On September 24, 2011 (Saturday), an adoption event was held at ONE LOVE WALK!
With the typhoon gone, revealing a cloudless blue sky, this year’s ONE LOVE WALK was held in a park at Nakameguro. Each group had a large booth set up and lined up one next to the other under colorful tents.
In the early morning, volunteers helped with the construction of the booth, and setting up all the necessary items for the day’s event. Thank to the familiar ARK colors, our booth stood out! The booth looked great, and we managed to snap a commemorative photo before the start of the event!
Many visitors kindly stopped by and spent quite a bit of time greeting the animals and chatting with volunteers and staff. Everyone braved the strong sunlight and had lots of fun.
Japan’s minister of the environment Mr. Hosono met with Tokyo ARK director, Kanegae, and spoke about the organization’s activities and ideas for the future. Through these events, we are able to promote awareness of animal welfare issues that are important to the country.
There were a lot of visitors who stopped by to learn more about ARK, and to gather more information on how to adopt an animal in the future. We are also happy to report that a number of families who adopted our animals in the past came out to the event to visit and show support!
We felt an outpouring of support and love from all of those who visited us. For everyone who attended the event, Thank You! Please come by again to visit us at future events from time to time!
To our volunteers who put up with sunburn and put forth lots of hard work and effort, many cheers for your great work! We were able to finish the last big event for the month of September thanks to you. We always appreciate your support and good work!
Next Adoption Event:
October 1(Sat), from 12:00 to 15:00
At the Farmer’s Market in the United Nations.
【Thank you!】 9.17 Adoption event at Inu no Akubi in Ishikawadai
On September 17, 2011 (Saturday), an adoption event was held at Inu no Akubi in Ishikawadai!
The event took place near a shrine hall on the day of the festival. It was such a fun atmosphere with many people all around. Inu no Akubi’s mascot dog, Chitchi greeted visitors as they came to visit us at the event.
Chitchi says “Hello!” As many of you might know, Chitchi is a former rescue dog from Tokyo ARK. She was rescued after the earthquake from a breeder in Ibaraki. Now she is happy and always greeting people with a big smile!
“I am very proud to be the mascot of the Inu no Akubi shop!” She always looks happy to participate in the events.
Chitchi was there to show off his cute smile…Van, (4 years, male, Maltese and Pomeranian Mix) was also there, and showing everyone that he had a cute smile as well.
Van says, “I want a nice family to adopt me soon too!”
Since Van is a Pomeranian mix, when he sees new people or strangers, he does bark at them. However, if you train him to not bark, he won’t continue his bad habits. For those who understand obedience, if you teach him the rules of the house, he will learn to follow them properly. Van is very friendly and so cute! At the events, he always waits for a family who would play with him and his favorite toys.
This event was Hitomi’s (one year old, female, toy poodle) first adoption event!
She loves to receive attention from people and goes around the room trying to get people to pet her. When volunteers called her name, she would wag her tail and try to jump onto their laps. She is truly a cute girl, and will suit a family who loves to smother their dogs with affection. However, if you give her too much attention, it might not be good for her or she will become spoiled as she is still a baby with lots to learn.
Tuckey & Nicely (7 years old, male, Chinese Crested Mix?) and (4 years old, male, toy poodle) respectively, on the other hand, have participated in many adoption events and have gotten quite used to them by now.
Both dogs were rescued from the breeder in the earthquake area, and are finally used to getting pet and carried by people. They have been socialized well, and they’re ready to be adopted as a family dog!
Thank you to the volunteers who helped us at the event. We always appreciate your effort and hard work. We also want to thank Inu no Akubi for once again providing the venue!
The next adoption event will be held on September 24, in the ONE LOVE WALK event in TOKYO. ONE LOVE WALK is a fun event that brings dog lovers from different places to meet, greet, and reunite. We look forward to seeing a large gathering, so please join us!
■ 9/24 (Sat) Tokyo ARK Adoption Event at ONE LOVE WALK (Nakameguro Park)
【Thank you!】(Sat) Tokyo ARK Adoption Event
On September 3, 2011 (Saturday), ARK held an adoption event at Hemsroid in Omotesando!
We held an event at Hemsroid back in June, for the “Story of Dogs and Cats.” With a typhoon approaching, we were worried about the weather and the turbulence outside. We wondered if the event would be able to go on if the rainfall was severe.
As you can see, the event went on without any problems from the typhoon. The activity at the event was busy as usual, with people crouching down to greet and pet the animals. With everyone on their knees, we might even hold events in rooms with very low ceilings! (laughs)
With so many visitors, we were very grateful that people showed up to support ARK and meet the animals! We appreciate you all stopping by! Thank you to Hemsroid for providing the venue, and the volunteers for all your hard work. We hope to come back soon and see you in the near future!
In September, we will hold an adoption event every weekend. (Please see the details of each event from the links below)
■ 9/10 (Sat) Tokyo ARK Adoption Event @ Dog Life Design (DLD) in Komazawa
■ 9/17 (Sat) Tokyo ARK Adoption Event @ Inu no Akubi in Ishikawadai
■ 9/24 (Sat) Tokyo ARK Adoption Event @ ONE LOVE WALK in Nakameguro Park
After the typhoon passed, now a cooler wind is blowing throughout Tokyo. Fall is right around the corner! We hope for a pleasant weekend, so please come out to see us at the next Tokyo ARK adoption event!
【Thank you!】 8.20 Adoption Event at Dog Life Design
On August 20, 2011 (Saturday) an adoption event was held at Dog Life Design!
Here is a report of the adoption event at DLD
Following the rainy weather of the previous day, the air was cool which was nice for both the animals and the visitors. Many people visited us that day!
「Sleepy sleepy」「Zzzz…」
These three cats were rescued from Fukushima. Yuhi、 Terry、 Anthony。
This was their first adoption event as a trio. They always like to be together.
It was very relaxing for them! They could nap throughout the whole event! (laughs)
「I was getting kind of sleepy…」
Miffy, 12 years old, is one of the older dogs at the events. He tried his best to keep up with the young ones!
「”I wanted to go into the sunshine and take naps… or not?”」
Here is Aloha sitting on a lap. She was a very good girl at the event. アロハ姉さん。
「”I love being petted! “」
「”You can gently pet my soft fur coat!”」
To everyone who visited us and to our volunteers, Thank you!
Our volunteers worked hard and their efforts are appreciated. Without you, we wouldn’t be able to hold events.
Thank you!
The next Adoption Event will be held on:
September 3 (Saturday) from 12:00 to 15:00
It will be held at Hemsroid of Omotesando!
Please feel free to come and stop by!
We look forward to seeing you again and hope to see new faces as well!
【Thank you!】Dog Life Design at Komazawa Adoption Event 7.9
On July 9, 2011 (Saturday), an adoption event was held at Dog Life Design in Komazawa!

The event brought out so many people! And so many animals participated…!! We were excited at the large turnout!! More than 70 people showed up! It was a pleasant surprise!
We would like to thank the volunteers and the foster families for helping us with the large turnout. The weather was hot that day and everyone was sweating for three hours! However, they showed a lot of love and support for the animals there. Everyone seemed to be having fun and enjoying themselves in spite of the hotness!
Thank you to Dog Life Design again for allowing us to hold the adoption events at your venue. We would also like to thank the foster families of our animals for your cooperation and hard work. Thank you to the volunteers who helped us run and organize the event. The event ran smoothly because of all of your efforts! Last but not least, thank you those who attended the event for showing lots of support for our organization. We hope to see you all again in the near future!
The next adoption event will be announced as soon as details are determined.
【Thank you!】 6.25 Adoption event at DOGSIGN in Jingumae
On June 25 (Sat), the DOGSIGN adoption event was held at their new location!
DOGSIGN has provided a venue for ARK adoption events since October 2008. The shop has moved to Jingumae, and the adoption event was held at the new location for the first time!
As the familiar yellow ARK van arrived, DOGSIGN finished final preparations for the event to be held on the rooftop. Taking the elevator up to the fifth floor, and following the stairs to the roof from there, you will find the new multi-purpose space called “SORA.”
As the name suggests. the rooftop was a pleasant space with views of the open sky. We were concerned that the sun would be too strong for the dogs. However, it was partly cloudy with some pleasant winds.
Julie, age 7.
「”Thank you for coming to meet me!”★」
Dumbo, age 3.
「 “Wearing a cooling wrap around my neck, to keep away any threats of overheating!”」
Phoebe, age 5.
「 “I’m a little nervous to meet new people, but the event at the new space was exciting!”」
Everyone, I hope to meet a new family.☆
Everyone who visited us, our volunteers, to DOGSIGN who provided the venue, thank you!
The next adoption event will be on July 9 (Sat), from 13:00 to 16:00 at Dog Life Design of Komazawa!
【Thank you!】6.18 Inu no Akubi Adoption Event at Ishikawadai
On Saturday June 18, an adoption event at “Inu no Akubi” in Ota-ku was held in Tokyo.
Inu no Akubi is a homemade dog food shop that makes goods without preservatives.
There was a delicious smell everywhere. The dogs were also excited, maybe nervous about meeting new people?
Miku-chan, 5 years old, and a stylish girl!
Sherry, age 6,「 “with big fluffy ears!”☆★」
Ponyo, 3 years old, cuddling on someone’s lap.
Stimpy, 7 months,「”Aren’t my big, bright eyes so cute!”」
Ren, Stimpy’s brother, also 7 months,「”we are thrilled to have a lot of people!”」
This was the first ARK adoption event at Inu no Akubi. There were a lot of new neighbors, local and far away who attended the event. There were many familiar faces and long time supporters, as well as brand new, first time visitors to an ARK event.
To everyone who visited us, our volunteers who helped us, and “Inu no Akubi” for providing the venue, “Thank you!”
The next adoption event will be held on 6/25 (Sat) from 12:00 to 16:00 at DOGSIGN in Jingumae. Come see the the new location!

Volunteer applications for March 2025

【Feb 9】ARK adoption fair in Sanda @ Yurinoki Day Service

【February 16】Tokyo ARK at Denenchofu Green Festa!

【Thank You!】Dog Safety Seminar at Summerhill International School

【Applications Closed 】Volunteer applications for January 2025

Osaka Hilton Hotel Christmas Train Event

ARK Calendar 2025

Adoption Fees