
ARK No. TD24-11
Arrived at ARK July 2024
Location Tokyo ARK
Sex Male
Age Born around July 2016
Weight 15 kg
Breed Crossbreed
Background Rescued as a lost dog.

Sesame might look like a little bear with his barrel-shaped body  and tiny ears, but he doesn’t spend his days lolling around! This lad is full of beans.

If there’s any food around, you’ll see how quickly he can dash!

Next to food, Sesame’s favourite thing is a walk. He’ll have his tail and ears up the whole time♪

Sesame isn’t wild about being stroked, except around his hind-quarters.

He’s a healthy boy, but has tested positive for heart worm and is currently undergoing treatment for it.

Please come and see this adorable little bear soon!

Adoption Application

Animals that found forever homes!