
ARK No. C27-41HH
Arrived at ARK December 2024
Location Osaka ARK
Sex Male
Age Born in August 2013
Weight 4.5kg
Background Zita’s owner passed away and no one else in the family could care for her.​

Are you looking for a sweet, loving and extremely affectionate kitty? Then, perhaps Zita is the girl for you! This lovebug has been known to stick to visitors like glue and will quite happily claim your lap for the duration of your visit. Being a larger cat too, she is cuddly and comforting and people find themselves remaining much longer in her room than intended, because she is just so sweet. Zita is your typical cat and will like to hide out in boxes too….however, once eye contact has been established, she will leap out of there and demand immediate pats. Most definitely belly rubs as well! She is also a very good girl while getting her nails clipped or given vet checks- in fact, she is often purring then too! Zita is looking for her very own family, who will provide her with all the attention and love that she certainly deserves. Please come meet this absolute sweetheart soon!

Adoption Application

Animals that found forever homes!