
Looking for Mimi-chan's new family.

October 15, 2010

Mimi-chan’s Story

Tokyo ARK currently has one elderly dog in its care. Her name is Mimi-chan.
Mimi-chan is very friendly with people, other dogs, cats and small animals, but we still have not been able to find her a loving home. It is probably because of her age and the chronic diseases that she has. We truly want to find sweet Mimi-chan a loving home.

Since Mimi-chan was rescued, for some reason her neck was slightly twisted. The vet said it is probably due to internal ear problems. Mimi-chan has overcome the pain and can live with this problem and lead a normal life just like any other dog.
We don’t know what sort of past she has had but we do know that she is a very friendly dog.

She had been receiving plenty of love at her foster families. Her foster families had been devoted to caring for her and thanks to gemmotherapy, her neck is now straight!
She can now enjoy going for walks and eating her food!

Mimi-chan was invited to one of ARK volunteer’s vacation in Nasu and she enjoyed her vacaion for a month.

A month later….

Mmi-chan kept her cute smile. But she looks a bit younger….
After walking in mountain trail, her body was built strong again.
Now she runs and runs around.

Mimi-chan seems to be physically and mentally young again.
We are looking for people to adopt Mimi-chan.
Mimi-chan is elderly and therefore does not have a long life ahead of her. But what she does have left we would like her to enjoy with a loving family.

If you are interested in adopting Mimi-chan, please contact the Tokyo ARK Office.
We look forward to hearing from you!

Tokyo ARK
Tel: 080-6517-9632
