
Thank You for Your Support!!

October 15, 2010

Due to staff training, Tokyo ARK limited the intake of animals from June to August, 2010. We have now resumed our normal activities and would like to thank all of you for your understanding. We would especially like to extend a big thank you to all of Tokyo ARK’s foster families, volunteers and supporters. Along with our new staff members, we will work hard to improve our activities and to provide unfortunate animals with a new chance at happiness.


After four years at Tokyo ARK, I am leaving to take a position at my local SPCA in New Zealand. I am sad to be leaving ARK and Japan after 17 years, but it is my pleasure to announce the appointment of Junko Kanegae as my successor. Junko has experience working in non-profit organizations in both Japan and America and brings extensive management skills to the job. I wish Junko and the team all the very best and look forward to coming back for a visit.

While working at ARK I have had the privilege of meeting some of the kindest, most generous and creative people. I cannot count the number of times I called people late at night or early in the morning to foster animals, volunteer, or translate and it never ceased to amaze me how generous people were with their time. My sincere thanks to all the business owners who gave their support, teachers, photographers, designers and fellow animal welfare workers who always gave excellent advice and taught me a lot.

I leave Japan with good memories and my slightly wild, but beautiful cat, Grace. Grace was a feral cat. The original idea for Grace was Trap, Neuter and Return to keep the stray cat population down, but plans changed to Trap, Neuter, Return to New Zealand!

With best wishes for the future,

~Introduction from the new Tokyo ARK director~

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Junko Kanegae. I took over the position of Tokyo ARK director from Briar Simpson since she is moving back to her home country, New Zealand.
5 years ago, I learned about ARK’s activity through my daughter. She volunteered at Osaka ARK, and since then, I have a continuing relationship with ARK.
My family and I have been blessed with adopting 5 dogs from ARK. Taking care of 5 dogs is hard work, but since adopting them, everyday has been filled with fun and laughter.
I would like to thank those who have supported Tokyo ARK and am looking forward to seeing you.

Junko Kanegae

Tokyo ARK Staff:
Mariko Mukubo
Kendall Taaffe
Nikki Tsukamoto

Thank you for your co-operation.

Tokyo Office
