【Thank you!】ARK Book Launch Party
ARK Rose Garden Party
To celebrate the launching of the ARK photo collection: Rescue! Elizabeth Oliver’s Animal Refuge, we are holding a small party at the Rose Garden Hotel in Shinjuku after the book signing on November 16. If you would like to come along and talk to Elizabeth and other supporters, please contact Tokyo ARK. All welcome!
Date: November 16 (Sunday) 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm.
Venue: Rose Garden Hotel
1-3 Nishi-Shinjuku 8-chome, Shinjuku, Tokyo, 1600023
Phone: 03-33601533
Entrance:¥6000(buffet and free drinks)
There are a limited number of seats and bookings will close as numbers fill up, so please email Kei attokyoark@arkbark.net with your reservation early.
Tokyo ARK
Tel/Fax : 050-1557-276
Mobile : 080-6517-9632(Kei)
Email: tokyoark@arkbark.net
URL: arkbark.net