【Thank you!】Paws Down! A Successful Evening at Fujimamas
Paws Down! A Successful Evening at Fujimamas
The charity evening at Fujimamas in Tokyo was a terrific success thanks to everyone who came to give their support. More than 134 people turned up to celebrate and raise funds to deal with animal cruelty and abandoned animals. We apologise to those who couldn’t get reservations. Next year we will do it bigger and better!
We were able to raise 458,530 yen!!! The money will help us cover vet care for animals we rescue. Thank you for your support.
ARK would like to thank the following individuals and organizations:
Photo Exhibition
Kyoko Harada
Poster and ticket design
Yoshihiko Miyasaka of Soks Visual
Raffle Prizes
Robert Wilson of Panorama Hospitality
Paul Sands of Virgin Atlantic
Fujiko Hemming
James Frost of Nittan Capital
Welcome drink
Jeff Renshaw Orca International
Two days after the charity evening, these two kittens were put in a plastic bag and put out in the rubbish. Thanks to your generous support we are able to take them in, get them veterinary care, and as you can see, Koharu and Chika are safely in a foster home. Thank you! (Koharu is the one yawning.)
Getting bigger….

【Feb 9】ARK adoption fair in Sanda @ Yurinoki Day Service

【Thank You!】Dog Safety Seminar at Summerhill International School

【Applications Closed 】Volunteer applications for January 2025

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ARK Calendar 2025

Adoption Fees

ARK 2024 Reunion Party

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