Boy Scout helps animals!
ARK Calendar Art Contest
By Tsuyoshi Kittaka
ARK staff would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Tsuyoshi for helping us to reach out to children in Japan and raise awareness about abandoned animals.
My name is Tsuyoshi Kittaka. I am a 9th grader at Keimei Gakuen School in Tokyo and a Boy Scout with Troop 51 from the Tokyo American Club (affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America) I’m currently trying for Eagle Scout, which is the highest rank in US Boy Scouts. To get this rank, I have to do a community service project and I wanted to do something to help animals. I worked with ARK before when I volunteered at one of the adoption day events in Tokyo.
ARK needs more foster homes, and many families in the international community are good foster homes. They might not be able to be a permanent home for a dog or cat, but they can foster a pet while they are living in Japan. ARK would like to reach out to kids, so this Art Contest is one way we hope to do that. In an effort to reach out to more international families, to tell kids about ARK’s activities and find new foster homes, I have organized a Children’s Art Contest for students from Grade K to 8. The 12 winning pictures will be used for the 2011 ARK desktop calendar. They will also be displayed at the Tokyo American Club early next year. The contest is being supported by several international schools in the Tokyo and Yokohama area, as well as the BSA Cub Scout packs in Tokyo and members from AFWJ (the Foreign Wives Association).
Three judges, Elizabeth Oliver, Francoise Morechand, and Koji Date will be making the final selection December 7, 2009. The winners will be announced by the end of the year.
I would like to thank Ms. Oliver, Briar Simpson from ARK Tokyo and the Troop 51 Boy Scouts for their support.