ARK News

Birthday Present?

September 10, 2014

Are any of your family having a birthday soon, or one of your close friends, or perhaps your pet dog or cat?

Birthdays, Anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, Christmas are all celebrations we want to share. And what better way than to give a lasting present, a donation to a needy dog or cat at ARK.

This original gift will give everyone a lot of happiness, not least the lucky animals your gift supports!


How to apply for Birthday/Anniversary donation cards

Please provide us with following information by email or fax ;

  1. Sender’s full name, postal address, and phone number
  2. Recipient’s full name, postal address, birthday (anniversary date)
  3. Amount of Donation to ARK
  • Please also be sure to inform us of a particular message you wish to convey to a recipient if there is any. Without the information, the message will be as shown below.
  • When you competed remittance of donation, please inform us of the remittance details (to which bank/postal account the remittance was made).
    ARK’s bank account information:
  • ARK’s original message card with Elizabeth Oliver’s autograph and the latest “A Voice of Animals,” ARK’s quarterly newsletter, will be sent to your designated recipient as soon as your donation is confirmed.

※We would be most grateful if you could donate us minimum JPY3,000 per message card taking everything into consideration. Thank you.


Message Sample


Happy Birthday, XXXX,
To celebrate your birthday, your friends ????? have made a donation in your name to help ARK save more animals.
Thank you for making your birthday very happy day for animals!
Best wishes and many happy returns,

Elizabeth Oliver,
Founder, Animal Refuge Kansai


Please apply to:

ARK Office
FAX: 072-737-1886
