
ARK No. D41-75W
Arrived at ARK May 2013
Location Sasayama
Sex Female
Age Born around 2012
Weight 16.8 kg
Breed Zasshu
Colour White
Background A group of unspayed/unneutered dogs lived in the mountains and were being fed by someone. People in the area began to complain. Thirty-four dogs were rescued and brought to ARK

Pleased to meet you! I’m Phillipa and I’m currently waiting for my forever home with my best friend Dingaan. People often say we make a cute couple and I couldn’t agree more. We’re both very friendly dogs but due to our past (we were both strays living in the mountains) we are wary of people at first. However, once we know you, you’ll see our sweet, affectionate side. I LOVE tummy rubs and will make it very clear when I’m in need of a cuddle…you will often see lying on my back in my kennel waiting for someone to give me a scratch! Will you be my special someone?

Animals that found forever homes!