
ARK No. TC18-04
Arrived at ARK April 2018
Sex Male
Age Born on March 2018
Weight 2.1 kg (as of June 2018)
Colour Ginger tabby
Background Born to a stray mother on the balcony of a no-pet apartment.

What could be prettier, sweeter or more charming than a ginger tabby? Right – nothing! And who is the prettiest, sweetest, most charming ginger tabby around? Right again – Eiswein!

Now that you’re getting all the answers right, let’s try one more question. What could be even better than having an affectionate, fun-loving ginger tabby as part of your family? I might have to give you a hint – an adorable ginger tabby and his brother and respected leader, Nebbiolo!

What more could anyone want? You’ve got me with that one…
