
ARK No. TC18-10
Arrived at ARK April 2018
Sex Male
Age Born on March 2018
Weight 1.5 kg (as of May 2018)
Colour Black and white
Background Born to a stray mother on the balcony of a no-pet apartment.

We all know that good things come in small packages. Well here’s living proof! Bardolino and his adorable sister Pinotage may be pint-sized, but these tiny packages are packed with sugar and spice!

But boys will be boys, and this clever little one will take all the time he needs to plot and plan the next item on the mischief agenda.

If his slightly bigger sister get to higher ground than him… he has to make sure he get’s her spot, even if it takes him tens of attempts. This boy doesn’t give up easily!

When it’s time for a nap, Bardolino will bypass the comfort of the foster family’s cats to curl up with his true favourite – the family dog!

There are many adventures still to be had, but he’ll always want a cuddle with his family.

Bold, brave and affectionate too – our little Bardolino is waiting for just the right family. Could it be you?   
