【Thank you!】 Milk for Animals Wanted for Dogs with Medical Needs (1.18)
【Donations Needed】Milk for Animals Wanted for Dogs with Medical Needs (1.18)
We would like any donations of a special supplement for our dogs with special needs!
Earlier this summer, we requested a donation of supplements for one of our older dogs, May, and we are running low on supply. May is still thin and in order to be strong throughout the upcoming cold weather season, she will need more nourishment, and gain more weight!
Now we need donations of milk for dogs from the Mori-nu brand. The donations will go to dogs like May, and Angel who require high nutrition after major events like surgery.
Until these animals are able to find families, they need your support!
If you would like to donate to Tokyo ARK, please contact us.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Tokyo ARK

Volunteer applications for March 2025

【Feb 9】ARK adoption fair in Sanda @ Yurinoki Day Service

【February 16】Tokyo ARK at Denenchofu Green Festa!

【Thank You!】Dog Safety Seminar at Summerhill International School

【Applications Closed 】Volunteer applications for January 2025

Osaka Hilton Hotel Christmas Train Event

ARK Calendar 2025

Adoption Fees