
May 5 Update - Our Response to the Coronavirus

April 5, 2020


Tuesday, May 5  9:00 Update

In consideration of the Prime Minister’s announcement
that the state of emergency will be extended beyond May 6, 
our Osaka and Sasayama facilities will extend the period during which
we are closed to all volunteers and visitors. 
We ask your continuing patience and support for our isolation policy.

*Adoptions have NOT been suspended.
We will contact potential adopters directly
to discuss interview and meet and greet arrangements.

*We are not yet able to welcome volunteers or visitors. 
An announcement will be made on the website when we have an ETA.


Tuesday, April 8 12:00 Update

In consideration of the Prime Minister’s announcement of a state of emergency, 
our Osaka and Sasayama facilities will extend the period during which
we are closed to all volunteers and visitors. 
We ask your continuing patience and support for our isolation policy.
Please note that current volunteer appointments will be cancelled.



Sunday, April 5  17:30 Update

To reduce the likelihood of infection and do our part to help “flatten the curve”,

ARK has decided to cancel all volunteer work and other visits

to both our Nose and Sasayama facilities.

We apologize for the inconvenience

and ask your continued understanding and support.

※A further announcement will be made on April 21. 


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