Hime-chan's Story to be Featured on TV
Hime-chan’s Story to be Featured on TV
Hime-chan, who was rescued at the end of last year, will have her story
featured on TV!
Details are below.
March 22 (Mon)
From 17:35 (for about 20 minutes)
TV Asahi “Super J Channel”
Previous article about Hime-chan↓
Tamagawa Animal Rescue
A homeless man living on Tamagawa was forced to leave his shelter. He had taken very good care of the animals living with him, but unfortunately he couldn’t take them with him.
A person living in the neighborhood, who knew the homeless man, contacted ARK. On the day we went to pick the animals up, the man had tears streaming down his face as he said good bye.
The man’s family included: his 15 year old Shiba “Hime-chan”, “Pin-ko” the rabbit, the Cochin Chicken “Nagoya”, six (6) Silkie Chickens, a turtle and a killifish.
The silkie chickens, turtle, and killfish all found new homes, but Nagoya the hen, seeming to sense the situation, died in her sleep the night before we were to pick her up.
Nagoya in better days
Hime is at the Tokyo Office, sleeping on a pile of blankets and Pinko is in a foster home being taken care of by a kind volunteer. The homeless man took really good care of both of them and they are both well-mannered and are very comfortable around people. Anyone interested in adopting, please contact Tokyo ARK.
Tokyo ARK

【Feb 9】ARK adoption fair in Sanda @ Yurinoki Day Service

【Thank You!】Dog Safety Seminar at Summerhill International School

【Applications Closed 】Volunteer applications for January 2025

Osaka Hilton Hotel Christmas Train Event

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