Dachshund Rescue!
We recently received a phone call from someone whose mother had suddenly died. The mother had lived alone and probably out of loneliness, had allowed her pair of Dachshunds to multiply.
The hokenjo took in the animals until after the mother’s funeral but her child was not in a position to care for the 25 dogs.
To prevent them from being killed at the hokenjo we immediately took
the dogs into our care. Relatives and friends of the woman have offered to
adopt some of the dogs.
Of the 32 small dogs we rescued in September all but 6 have been placed. Just when we thought things were getting quieter the staff is once again busy with the many Dachshunds in our care!
We have 9 males and 8 females, aged 2-5 years old.
We will have them neutered and begin looking for new homes for them.
It seems they have never been for walks and can get scared easily, but they all have big appetites and are very friendly.
We hope you’ll make one of them a part of your family!
There is not enough space in the ARK offices for these dogs so during the daytime, they are put in the outdoor dog enclosures for exercise. But because they have been brought up as indoor dogs, outside is too cold for them. We have been putting clothing made for small dogs on them but it’s too big for them.
We would really appreciate donations of old warm clothing (made from fleece or wool) your Dachshund no longer uses.
We also welcome donations of beds for small pets.
As always, we are most appreciative of your support and donations!
Please send your donations to:
Animal Refuge Kansai
595 Noma Ohara, Nose-cho,
Toyono-gun, Osaka-fu 563-0131
Tel: 072-737-0712

【Feb 9】ARK adoption fair in Sanda @ Yurinoki Day Service

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ARK Calendar 2025

Adoption Fees

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