【Thank you!】ARK's Celebratory Dinner Party at the British Embassy
29th August 2012
This is to announce that the door to the September 19 Celebratory Dinner Party is closed finally as the applicants reached the full capacity. Again we would like to thank all those who have applied for and/or inquired about the party. We are very happy that we have received so many applications and/or inquiries beyond our expectation.
On the other hand, we are very sorry that we cannot accept any further applications from those who are still considering to attend the party. And for those who are now on the waiting list, we will make sure to inform you as soon as our negotiation with the British Embassy to allow us to bring more guests to the party is finalised.
As always we are very grateful for your support and understanding to ARK and its activities.
August 25th, 2012
We are pleased to announce that a number of expected participants for the September 19 ARK Dinner Party at the British Embassy in Tokyo has reached full capacity as of today thanks to numerous applications we received from ARK supporters. We would like to convey our deepest gratitude to those who have applied for the celebratory Party so far.
From today on incoming applications for the Party will be registered in a waiting-list and as soon as there will be vacancies due to cancelations we would like to send a formal invitation on the first-come basis.
Again we thank you for your interest in the party and your understanding on the above is highly appreciated.
ARK’s Celebratory Dinner Party at the British Embassy
In celebration of Elizabeth Oliver’s award of MBE for services to animal welfare in Japan, from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth in this Jubilee Year’s birthday honours list. ARK would like to invite you to a special dinner at the British Embassy on 19th September 2012. Joining us will be Her Majesty’s British Ambassador in Tokyo, Sir David Warren KCMG and Lady Pamela Warren.
This is a chance for you to join us in the magnificent setting of the Embassy Residence, its grounds and garden, probably the finest embassy in Tokyo. The location also reflects the strong ties ARK has with animal welfare in the United Kingdom and the date coincides with Japan’s national ‘Be Kind to Animals Week’ which starts on September 20th. We hope to be joined by VIPs, politicians, celebrities, ARK members and supporters, and people from the media.
We would be grateful if you could let us know RSVP by 1st September 2012, whether you would be able to come and number and names of guests who will be accompanying you, name of your company, as we have to submit guest names to the Embassy in advance, for security reasons. We would appreciate advance payment from those intending to attend. A formal invitation will be sent to you later.
Details of the place and time are as follows:
Celebratory Dinner Party: 6.30 – 8.30 pm, Wednesday 19th September 2012.
Donation for party: ¥10,000
British Embassy, No.1 Ichiban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8381
RSVP: Osaka ARK by fax /email or mail (fax: 072-737-1886, email: ark@arkbark.net )
Dress: formal
Please note that there is very limited parking within the Embassy, except for disabled guests, so guests coming by car should use outside parking facilities.
All guests should bring some form of identification in order to gain entry into the Embassy; passport, driving licence, health insurance card, or alien registration card.

Volunteer applications for March 2025

【Feb 9】ARK adoption fair in Sanda @ Yurinoki Day Service

【February 16】Tokyo ARK at Denenchofu Green Festa!

【Thank You!】Dog Safety Seminar at Summerhill International School

【Applications Closed 】Volunteer applications for January 2025

Osaka Hilton Hotel Christmas Train Event

ARK Calendar 2025

Adoption Fees