【 Congratulations! 】Argos in a home of his own!
When Argos first came to ARK, almost two years ago, the skin on his face and limbs was so red and sore it looked almost like a bad burn. After a year of healing at our Nose shelter, he travelled to Tokyo to find a home.
His medical expenses are significant – he needs medication and top level food to help his body deal with his auto-immune problems.
The family that have welcomed Argos into their hearts and home are not new to ARK – they have had other dogs from Nose. They were rightly concerned about the challenges of keeping him in good health and helping him get on with their resident dog, Monaca. They visited him each month at adoption fairs and decided to undertake a trial adoption. And (three cheers!) they decided to welcome him to their family!
ARK extends a huge round of thanks to everyone who helped this special boy get into his own home and an extra-special round to his foster family. We couldn’t have done this without you.
Argos, congratulations on graduating from ARK! Have a wonderful life, sweet boy!
On August 25, an Akita dog was found collapsed after being abandoned at ARK in very poor condition.
Elizabeth Oliver and a staff member were the first to reach him, early in the morning. He was not wearing a collar or harness and has a very serious skin condition, which at first sight looked like nasty burns, especially on his face.
Elizabeth and staff were able to get him to a veterinary clinic. He was found to have a very serious scabies infestation and consequent inflammation. He was also severely dehydrated and possibly hypothyroidism.
We also discovered that he has not been microchipped, and is an approximately five year old intact male, rather thin at 31 kilos. We have named him Argos, after a dog that recognized his owner after 20 years! We are still not sure if he is docile, or simply doesn’t have the energy to be otherwise.
Treating scabies takes time and patience. He will need topical antiseptics and antibiotics. He will also need oral medication and regular check ups. While we regret to have to ask, we really need your help to provide the medical treatment Argos so desperately needs.
Post Office Transfers
Account No.: 00900-0-151103
Animal Refuge Kansai
Please write “Argos” in the message section so we can make sure your donation goes directly to his care.
Bank Transfers
Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Ikeda Branch
Account No.: 5288059
Animal Refuge Kansai
Mitsui Sumitomo Ikeda Branch
Account No.: 1472705
Animal Refuge Kansai
※We would appreciate your letting us know the following details by email if you choose a bank transfer: name, address, telephone number, your wish to contribute to Argos.
Credit Card Remittance
Please use the link below to choose the amount you wish to contribute and enter your card details.
※We would appreciate your letting us know the following details by email if you choose a bank transfer: name, address, telephone number, your wish to contribute to Argos.

Volunteer applications for March 2025

【Feb 9】ARK adoption fair in Sanda @ Yurinoki Day Service

【February 16】Tokyo ARK at Denenchofu Green Festa!

【Thank You!】Dog Safety Seminar at Summerhill International School

【Applications Closed 】Volunteer applications for January 2025

Osaka Hilton Hotel Christmas Train Event

ARK Calendar 2025

Adoption Fees