
ARK No. TC23-15
Arrived at ARK June 2023
Location Tokyo ARK
Sex Female
Age Born in April, 2023
Background Born to a stray mother

The friendliest of the three siblings, pretty Tim Tam is as sweet as her name suggests. We know she’ll be as popular, too! She’s blessed with abundant curiosity and goes where she wants, when she wants. She’ll even flop onto her side for a name with a dog in close proximity! She bravely (?) looks after her more timid brother and sister like the great big sis she is!

The three kittens love spending time together – napping, wrestling, exploring… all in true kitten style. We wouldn’t want Tim Tam to be lonely, so we are hoping she can either be adopted with Jatz and Lamington, or perhaps be little sis to a resident cat or cats.

Animals that found forever homes!