

6 years old
Golden Retriever


ARK No. D40-6W
Arrived at ARK January 2013
Sex Male
Age 6 years old
Size 22 kilos (too skinny)
Breed Golden Retriever
Colour gold
Background Left at an empty house.

From the angle of this photo you might have thought I was a Dachshund. My skinny waist doesn’t help. Actually, I am a very underweight Golden Retriever! Once you are around me you will see my people loving friendly retriever personality! I am also very smart and obedient. I do not like to have a harness put on and I try to bite. I am getting trained to not do that. Once I am on a walk I never pull. I love to play with toys too. Retrievers are awesome dogs. You really are lucky to have the chance to adopt a dog like me. Of course, I am the big winner here because I will get a forever home!
