
ARK No. D48-34BB
Arrived at ARK March 2017
Sex Male
Age Born on March 2007
Weight 6kg (as of September 2018)
Breed Shih tzu
Colour Gold and white
Background Stromboli’s owner was hospitalized and unable to care for him.

Pint-sized Shih Tzu Stromboli here! I’m quite the international dog because I am originally Tibetan/Chinese, with an Italian name, and living here in Japan. I’m a very sweet and calm little guy, but I can be a little timid at times. Currently, I am trying to fatten up a little because I was on the skinny side when I came to ARK. So, I’m thoroughly enjoying the extra treats! I can use toilet sheets pretty well too, although I also go to the toilet outside. I am a very good boy at the vets and at the groomers and enjoy a fuss here and there. I can’t wait to meet my special someone who will swoop me up and take me home- perhaps it will be you??

Animals that found forever homes!