
ARK No. 26-4FF
Arrived at ARK March 2022
Sex Female
Age Born in June 2013
Background Shishi’s family got divorced and moved into no-pet housing.

Beautiful Shishi was first brought to ARK as a kitten and was soon adopted out. She came back to ARK recently and surprised us by being a little shy – most unlike her younger self! She soon regained her confidence, though, and is back to being the outgoing, affectionate girl we knew as a kitten.
Her colourful markings are attributed to her being part Siamese, as are her irresistible big eyes, that seem to say, “Let’s play!”

Shishi is a little older than she was last we saw her, but she really wants to have fun. The staff can’t say “no” when she wants a good game of chase the toy.

As much as we love her, we’re hoping she won’t be with us long before finding just the right family.


Animals that found forever homes!