

Born on Aug 16, 2003


ARK No. D37-135U
Arrived at ARK June 2011
Sex Male
Age Born on Aug 16, 2003
Weight 17kg
Breed Dalmatian
Colour White x Black
Background the owners got divorced and can’t keep him.

Did you count my spots? Are there 101 of them? Can you tell by my perfect down position that I am a very good boy? Well, I am. I’m also very friendly and obedient. I love to snuggle up to people and show my tummy. I am also very playful. However, don’t expect much from me when there is thunder. I am very afraid of thunder. I have tested positive for heartworm but I am asymptomatic. I have lots of energy and love to go out and play. It is sad that I had to be given up at this age. It wasn’t my fault. I really hope a new family will consider taking me in! I am a really nice dog!
