
ARK No. C26-21BB
Arrived at ARK March 2018
Location Nose (Osaka)
Sex Female
Age Born in 2006
Weight 4.3kg (as of April 2018)
Colour Tabby
Background Patra’s owner was hospitalized

Ok, so I might not look super happy in some of these profile pictures but in fact, I’m a very affectionate and happy kitty! When I first came to ARK I was so nervous, frantic and I couldn’t handle such a drastic environment change and for a long time I just kept to myself. Now though, I have really begun to shine and show my true colours. Deep down, I’m just a love bug. I love being pet and I will roll on to my side to show you my belly right off the bat. I can’t get enough of cuddles! The staff often say its really difficult to work because I’m just so cute and will always find a way to get attention. I’m sure if you take me home, I’ll come out of my shell even more and you’ll see what a sweet girl I am. 

Animals that found forever homes!