
ARK No. TD22-04
Arrived at ARK October 2022
Location Tokyo ARK
Sex Female
Age Born in October, 2008
Weight 21 kg
Breed Beagle
Background Natsuko’s owner was diagnosed with dementia and became unable to care for her.

♬These are few of my favourite things♪

♬Let’s start with people! They top the list every time. Young, old, new acquaintances – I just love them all. I’ll wag my tail so hard it makes my whole body move.

♬Food! I used to be slim and trim when I was a hunting dog, but I do NOT want to go back to that life. I’d like to lose a pound or two, but we all know, curvy is cute!

♬People! Oh, I said that… Well, you have to forgive a senior citizen for being a bit repetitive.

The staff at Tokyo ARK can’t stop telling me how cute I am. I hope you will think so, too!

Animals that found forever homes!