

Born around early August, 2013
brown x black


ARK No D42-145W
Arrived at ARK October 2013
Sex Female
Age Born around early August, 2013
Weight 6.63 kilos as of December 10th, 2013. She will be medium sized.
Breed Mix
Colour brown x black
Background A stray dog gave birth to puppies in a temple.

I think the boys from my litter all look similar. But look at me striking this pose. I am a beauty. I look very “Shepherd-ish.” We were born as strays. I am now getting used to being handled by people. I am nervous at first but then I get used to it. I love toys and to play with other dogs. You can imagine all the play that goes on with 4 brothers! I will get along well with your family if you have a dog already. I hope you will come see me! I am very cute!

Animals that found forever homes!