

born around 2006


ARK No. D41-47W
Arrived at ARK April 2013
Location Sasayama
Sex Female
Age born around 2006
Weight 10kg
Breed Shiba
Colour brown
Background Found wandering and was rescued.
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You probably think I look much older than the estimated 7 years old. This is what happens when no one cares for a dog. I had some skin problems that were not treated by my previous owner. My skin became black and hard. So, what did my owner do to help me? Nothing! I was dumped! Who would do that? I know you are the kind-hearted type who doesn’t care what I look like. You just want to give me a loving home. I am very friendly and I love to chase balls. I am still underweight and I definitely love food! My skin is improving thanks to a special shampoo and medicine. Now all I need is a loving family. I hope after reading my story you will consider giving me a home. Don’t you think I deserve one?
