
ARK No. C26-67BB
Arrived at ARK November 2018
Location Nose (Osaka)
Sex Male
Age Born in April 2018
Weight 3.71kg (as of January 2019)
Colour White & Gray
Background Michi came to ARK when a foster family couldn’t be found after being weened.

Hello, I’m Michi. I’ve been a stray for 6 months since I was born, so it takes some time for me to get used to someone. I’m a total baby around the staff members, though!

I really want you to pet me, so I’ll roll around and rub up against you♪ Even when I’m nervous, I want to be held and play with my toys.

I’m shy, so I’m not good at showing myself off, but they say I’m cool boy, so I hope you’ll adopt me!

Animals that found forever homes!