

10 years old
Brown x White


ARK No. C8-68K
Arrived at ARK October 2002
Sex Female
Age 10 years old
Colour Brown x White
Background Her owner had cancer and she came here when she was 1 year old. She has been waiting for a family for 9 years.

They say cats have 9 lives. Well, I have spent 9 of my 10 years at ARK. Now it is time for me to get my own home. When I was younger I was strong and hated many things (like nail trimming). However, I have mellowed with age and those things don’t bother me now. I live with other cats but don’t really like it. When I get stressed I pull out my fur. I like to be on people’s laps and cuddle. I just don’t like it when I am held. In other words, don’t squeeze me! So, I sound like a picky cat. Why would you want to adopt me? Well, because you realize that every cat needs a loving home and you know you can give me just that. Believe me, I can’t wait! Nine years is enough waiting!

Animals that found forever homes!