

4 years old
Terrier mix
light brown


ARK No. D39-288U
Arrived at ARK December 2011
Sex Male
Age 4 years old
Size 17 kilos (a bit skinny)
Breed Terrier mix
Colour light brown
Background The owner has kept him since he was a puppy in an apt. that doesn’t allow pets. Then the rule became too strict and they can’t keep him anymore.
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Meat might be a strange name for a dog. But there is a reason for it. I am too skinny! My previous owner didn’t feed me enough. So, a name like meat will remind you to feed me MEAT! Any meat is ok. I am not picky! I am very friendly. I don’t mind being groomed either. However, I don’t like grooming around my face (can you tell?). I was kept indoors so I am housebroken. I am a nice dog. I really hope I can get my forever family soon. And don’t worry, chicken and fish are OK too!

Animals that found forever homes!