
ARK No. 116AA
Arrived at ARK December 2017
Location Nose (Osaka)
Sex Female
Age Born in 2015
Weight 14.2kg (as of February 2018)
Breed Zasshu
Colour Brown and white
Background Kilda was rescued by Heart Tokushima before coming to ARK. 

“Are you coming to play with me?” “Want to take a walk together?” “Got a yummy treat?” This is what I am asking people when they walk past my kennel. I’m a very friendly girl, a little timid but very sweet and confident once I know you. I am always ready to greet with friendly eyes and a wagging tail. I used to be so scared of walks and would hesitate when I saw the leash, but now I really enjoy walking in the woods. I’m still very young and have lots to experience and enjoy out in the big world. I’m hoping it will be with my new forever family! 
