
ARK No. C25-93AA
Arrived at ARK October 2017
Location Nose (Osaka)
Sex Female
Age Born on September 2013
Weight 2.55kg
Colour Calico
Background Khoo was born to a stray mother and then rescued by someone. The rescuer thought she would have more of a chance at finding a home through ARK.

I know, I know, I’m gorgeous….but did you know I have a wonderful personality to match? I’m a very friendly, active, fun and adventurous cat and I am often seen running around my cat room playing with toys and the other cats. I’m seen as a fun older-sister to many of the other cats here. Some of them are a little nervous around people, but because I enjoy playing with visitors so much, they feel reassured that people are in fact not scary! I think it helps bring them out of their shells. If you adopt me, without a doubt life will become a lot more fun with me in it! I’m very sweet, so please come visit me soon!

Animals that found forever homes!