
ARK No. TD22-05
Arrived at ARK November 2022
Location Tokyo ARK
Sex Male
Age Born in December 2012
Weight 18 kg(needs to gain a bit of weight)
Breed Husky
Background Hercules was a neglect case.

Don’t be deceived by Hercules’ wild good looks! He’s a sweet, bouncy puppy at heart!

Hercules loves both people and toys. “Let’s play ball!”, “Let’s play ‘you rub my belly’”, “Let’s play … whatever”. I’m sure you get the picture. Hercules may be into the double figures, but, as they say,  age is just a number!

If you’re worried about shampooing a big dog with thick fur… don’t be. He’s as good as gold. Walks? He’s got your back.

Hercules really needs a person of his own! Could that be you?
