
ARK No. D47-88AA
Arrived at ARK September 2017
Location Nose (Osaka)
Sex Female
Age Born in July 2017
Weight 17.1kg (as of October 2018)
Breed Zasshu
Colour Brown
Background Henna was rescued along with her siblings from Yamaguchi Prefecture. 

Aren’t mutts like me just adorable? I mean look at these ears! I’m Henna and I came from Yamaguchi Prefecture with my brothers. I am such a tom-boy and although I’m very sweet and easy-going, when my brothers try to push my buttons, I do not stand down. In fact, I tend to “win” these little disagreements. Girl power I say! I’m very popular with staff and volunteers because I’m so playful and fun. I’m still getting used to strangers and new situations, but with training, I am becoming more adaptive and focused. I hope you will give a girl like me a chance, I am very cute. 
