
ARK No. C25-32AA
Arrived at ARK May 2017
Location Nose (Osaka)
Sex Female
Age Born in April 2017
Weight 2kg (as of September 2017)
Colour Tabby
Background Goo was found as a kitten abandoned in a cardboard box and brought to the local police station. Ark was asked to take her in.

I’m one quirky and FUN kitty. While I may not come up to you purring loudly and demanding cuddles, I will show my affection in other ways. For instance, you’ll looks down and suddenly see me curled up between your feet….or right behind you, or to the side. Often, in rather inconvenient places where I will refuse to budge. Play time is when I suddenly become another cat all together. I go nuts! I see a toy and I will literally run around the room with it dangling from my mouth…so much fun! When other cats try to play, well they simply cannot keep up. Needless to say, your home will definitely be a more fun place with me around! 

Animals that found forever homes!