
ARK No. TD21-03
Arrived at ARK March 2021
Sex Male
Age Born in December 2020
Weight 3.8 kg(as of March.2021)
Breed Crossbreed
Colour Brown and White
Background Fuwa-fuwa was rescued from animal control in Tokushima prefecture. 

I’m Fuwa-fuwa, a pint-sized cutie who is sure to steal your heart! Perhaps I have a little Terrier blood in me, but I have an adorable furry face with big round eyes and I’m quite the charmer…but don’t be fooled by my little beard, I’m still a puppy! I have a very approachable and easy-going personality and I’m quick to make friends. Now is an important time for a puppy to learn to socialize with other dogs and new people, so I am looking for someone special to take the time and allow me to experience all that life has to offer! I hope to see you soon at ARK!
