

Born in May, 2012
Brown Tabby


ARK No. TC12-17
Arrived at ARK July 2012
Sex Male
Age Born in May, 2012
Size 1.5kg
Colour Brown Tabby
Background Rescued from the grounds of a temple at the request of a local resident.

As slim and trim as a model, Fuku’s beautiful tabby markings extend to his curvy waistline, just like a tiger. Always friendly, all he needs to start purring in earnest is for you to pat him. He doesn’t need training in how to play – he’s already mastered that art, and can race around for a long time without tiring. Kittens are happier and more sociable when adopted in pairs or threes. Please think about adopting Fuku and one (or two) of his brothers or friends.

Animals that found forever homes!