
ARK No. D52-28GG
Arrived at ARK June 2023
Location Osaka ARK
Sex Female
Age Born in April 2023
Weight 7.6 kg ( As of July 2023 )
Breed Crossbreed
Background Dahlia was born to a stray mother.

Named after the beautiful flower, Dahlia here, is equally delightful. She is vibrant, playful, inquisitive and eager to please. She has a timid side, but her adventurous spirit tends to takes over! Dahlia loves to play with her siblings and other dogs and of course with people too. She is healthy, active and enjoys getting up to mischief (when she thinks she can get away with it!) and is really very sweet. Dahlia is also a very good girl at the vets and groomers, even though she gets a little nervous. We hope to find our little petal princess a loving home and we’re sure she will put a big smile on your face.

We estimate she will grow to be about 15 kgs in weight when matured.

Animals that found forever homes!