
ARK No. D47-94AA
Arrived at ARK July 2017
Location Nose (Osaka)
Sex Male
Age Born in January 2017
Weight 10.5kg (as of November 2017)
Breed Zasshu
Colour Brown
Background Coif was rescued along with his stray siblings from Yamaguchi Prefecture.
Japan Times

I have tail-wagging greetings down to an art! I loooove it when people visit me and take me for a walk. I am a fun-loving pup who enjoys playing my brother Moosey and getting into mischief! I love being active, going on adventures and playing with my toys. I’m very healthy and eat well too. Out of my siblings, I am the biggest and I’m sure I will grow up to be a strong, intelligent and handsome dog! Won’t you come play with me sometime? You’ll see what a sweet boy I am and I’m sure we’ll become fast friends!
