

Estimated 3 years old as of March in 2013


ARK No. D41-29W
Arrived at ARK March 2013
Sex Male
Age Estimated 3 years old as of March in 2013
Size 27kg
Breed Retriever
Colour chocolate
Background Found in the mountains, taken to Hokenjyo then to ARK when the limit was up.

A chocolate Lab. Cadbury. Get it? Ha, ha, ha… Why are you still reading? Grab your keys and get on down to ARK and adopt me! Seriously, what are the chances of a beautiful chocolate Lab being up for adoption? And I am such a Lab. I love people, I am always happy, I love to go for walks… I have it all. Ok, I tend to pull on the leash a bit on walks but I am smart and can be trained. Really, please come get me. I won’t be here very long! Labs are awesome dogs!

Animals that found forever homes!