
ARK No. C27-3HH
Arrived at ARK February 2024
Location Tokyo ARK
Sex Male
Age Born in August 2017
Weight 4.2kg
Breed Scottish fold
Background Angus's former owner entered a care facility and couldn't care for him.
What a photogenic looking cat! That is often what we hear when it comes to Angus. We agree, he is certainly a looker. What is even better, is that he has the personality to match! Although Angus was rather skittish and uncomfortable when he first came to ARK, he has since come out of his shell and has shown us his true personality. He loves gentle cuddles and strokes and will purr in delight. He will also roll onto his back to ask for belly rubs! Angus also enjoys spending time with people and playing with toys and we are able to see a more fun-loving side to him. Being a Scottish Fold with delicate fur, he will need daily brushes which is quite obliging with. We are sure Angus will put a smile on your face, so please come visit him soon.

Animals that found forever homes!