

Born in April, 2001.
Orange Tabby


ARK No. C22-95X
Arrived at ARK October 2014
Location Nose (Osaka)
Sex Male
Age Born in April, 2001.
Weight 4.45 kilos (as of 2014)
Colour Orange Tabby
Background He got adopted when he was 6 but came back to ARK because of a family problem.

I came to ARK as a kitten 13 years ago. At 6 years of age I was adopted. Now at 13 I’m back at ARK again. I have already lost a kilo here due to stress. I spent 7 years with a family so shelter life is stressful for me. I’m super friendly and love to be with people. I really hope I can get a new family ASAP. If you want to make me super happy adopt me along with my other former housemates, Katie and Kumamon!

Animals that found forever homes!