
ARK No. C27-17HH
Arrived at ARK May 2024
Location Tokyo ARK
Sex Female
Age Born in May 2020
Weight 2.92kg
Background Adina's owner became sick and was unable to keep her.

Adina is quite the elegant lady, don’t you think? Adina is quiet yet loving and has been known to gently sit on your lap and purr in content. She is rather shy at first and often runs into her favourite kotatsu to hide, but once she is familiar with you, she will show her affectionate and loving side.​ Adina is very fond of her room mates and seems to gain confidence and feel safe around them. For this reason, we are hoping to find a kind family who will adopt Adina along with one of her friends. Alternatively, if you do have a cat already in the family, this may be a good match too. Please give our gorgeous girl a chance- she certainly deserves a happily ever after!

Adoption Application

Animals that found forever homes!