Shiba Rescue ~April 2015
Unscrupulous money-greedy breeders are the norm in Japan, so when we went to collect some Shibas from a breeder to bring back to ARK, we were expecting to see a squalid place; cages piled high with miserable dogs, burnt out females with rotting teeth, hanging teats and mammary cancer, the result of over-breeding. But what a surprise. Although 20 dogs in all, the place was spotless and the dogs well-cared for. The owner/breeder was proud of his dogs and the lineage they possessed; photos of his past champions were on display and he showed us the strict guidelines he gave out when someone adopted a puppy; details of diet, vaccinations, types of diseases, neutering advice. He interviewed people as carefully as we do at ARK.Yes it was clear this man did not give out puppies easily. The seven females we brought back (see details below) showed almost no sign they had ever had puppies or even if they did, perhaps one or two litters.
So as a good honest breeder, one as rare as gold in Japan, what had gone wrong ? We don’t know the full story but money, or lack of it was an issue. And possibly, because he was in the business because he loved his dogs, he was reluctant to use them as breeding machines for profit.
These little Shibas are now being processed at ARK,(vaccinated, neutered) and will soon be up for adoption. Please come and meet them.
Banana(Female・2y) Camellia(Female・6y)
Ebony(Female・8y) Gum(Male・8y)
Laurel(Female・9y) Lychee(Female・2y)
Mango(Female・7y) Olive(Female・6y)

Volunteer applications for March 2025

【Feb 9】ARK adoption fair in Sanda @ Yurinoki Day Service

【February 16】Tokyo ARK at Denenchofu Green Festa!

【Thank You!】Dog Safety Seminar at Summerhill International School

【Applications Closed 】Volunteer applications for January 2025

Osaka Hilton Hotel Christmas Train Event

ARK Calendar 2025

Adoption Fees