【Thank you!】Call for Dog Groomers!
At the moment, we are not recruiting any personnel.
Call for Dog Groomers!
ARK usually has about 200 dogs living in its Osaka shelter. When they first come to ARK, the skin and fur conditions of many of the dogs are not good and one dog groomer can not keep up with all the work.
After they are rescued we must regularly bathe many of the dogs and our dog groomer does not have enough hands or time to keep up with this.
If you have studied dog grooming, how about joining us at ARK?
Necessary skills:
Someone who has graduated from grooming school. Or, someone who has
experience working as a groomer. We will give preference to those with experience.
Many of the dogs are quite scared so we would prefer a female groomer.
If you are interested, please call Okamoto-san.
TEL: 072-737-0712
*Please call between 10:00-17:00 on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays.

【Feb 9】ARK adoption fair in Sanda @ Yurinoki Day Service

【Thank You!】Dog Safety Seminar at Summerhill International School

【Applications Closed 】Volunteer applications for January 2025

Osaka Hilton Hotel Christmas Train Event

ARK Calendar 2025

Adoption Fees

ARK 2024 Reunion Party

Email Out of Order