ARK Sanctuary
A Dream for Homeless Animals – Update
Our new Sanctuary in Shitsugawa, Sasayama, Hyogo prefecture is the biggest and most exciting project that ARK has ever undertaken. It will help us reach out to help more homeless animals and is major step forward in the development of animal welfare in Japan.
Surrounded by natural scenery and unspoilt countryside, mountains and a crystal clear river, we plan to build an animal sanctuary in keeping with this atmosphere; a place where both people and animals can relax and enjoy this peaceful atmosphere. We will leave as much of the natural scenery as it is, especially trees and will surround the buildings with lots of greenery; trees and plants. The land covers about 7000 tsubo, 5.5 acres, it is flat and sunny with good road access.
Our facility will include reception, offices, clinic, isolation unit, rooms for probably 100 dogs and 100 cats, a special section for our sponsor animals, another for ‘special needs’ dogs and cats, a training centre which will double up as a lecture room, weekend cottages for people to stay and a dogland. We plan to use solar heating and natural light where possible. Of course all this will take time and we will build and extend when funds become available.
The first kennel building in Sasayama was completed two years ago, and is now occupied by about 30 dogs. They can enjoy the rich scenery of Sasayama through the seasons, frolic in spacious Dogland and have warm rooms with underfloor heating in the winter and air-conditioning through the hot Japanese summer.
Now our second kennel is well underway. Construction was started in September and will be completed next March 2017. It’s progress has been photographed through each stage; the Ceremony at a local shrine to pray for safety of workers, the main iron structure being erected, the Mune Age ceremony sprinkling salt, rice and sake at the four corners of the building and the latest arrival of kennel interior parts all the way from a factory in Shropshire UK, in a container via ship to Kobe port and finally unloaded at the site. There are 18 kennels in all, again with underfloor heating and ventilation. The structure is strong enough to withstand earthquakes and comply with strict Japanese fire regulations.
We really appreciate all the support you have given us and our special thanks to Dogs Trust in the UK for financially supporting part of this new building. However, we are still in need of funds to add exercise runs at the back of the building, so that dogs will be able to spend time outside in the sunshine. Three of these runs will come to around ¥4.5 million.
Any help you can give to this will be warmly appreciated and a plaque with your name, a friend’s name or your dog’s name or perhaps in memory of your beloved pet, will be permanently placed on the run to acknowledge your support.
Together we can make a difference to the lives of animals in need.
Sanctuary Fund P.O. a/c no. 00970-9-58799
You can see the video of the Sanctuary land.
1) Sanctuary land NO. 1
2) Sanctuary land NO. 2
3) Sanctuary land NO. 3

Volunteer applications for March 2025

【Feb 9】ARK adoption fair in Sanda @ Yurinoki Day Service

【February 16】Tokyo ARK at Denenchofu Green Festa!

【Thank You!】Dog Safety Seminar at Summerhill International School

【Applications Closed 】Volunteer applications for January 2025

Osaka Hilton Hotel Christmas Train Event

ARK Calendar 2025

Adoption Fees