ARK News

Manami Sato Releases New Book

December 1, 2007

Manami Sato, a dog behavior counselor who has helped out animals at ARK
through various activities including “Bach Flower Remedies”, will be releasing a book on August 18, 2008.

Don’t yell, don’t hit. Solving problem behavior in dogs through words. Self-counseling for you and your dog.

Author: Manami Sato, Dog Counselor
Publisher: Kawade Shobo Shinsha, Publishers
Price: 1200 yen (tax not included)
Scheduled for sale from August 18, 2008

There is no need to yell at or hit your dog. Dog behavior counselor provides 30 tips for solving problem behavior in dogs through words.

Says the author, “Dogs, any dog, can understand human words. There are no dogs that bark for no reason or bite for no reason. Each dog has its own reasons for its actions. You can solve your dog’s behavioral problems by understanding your dog’s actions and talking to your dog using human words. Just like humans, dogs can be hurt by but also helped by words,
and they can change.”

Based on 30 examples of behavioral problems, this book is filled with tips on how to change your dog’s actions through words. It includes sections on:
staying home alone; going for walks; mealtimes; housetraining (toilet training); biting; barking; mischievous behavior; multiple animal households;
excessive grooming; and other weaknesses.

Pictures in the book are of dogs counseled by Manami Sato and were taken by Ryohei Akimoto, the photographer of “Quill the Guide Dog.”

For inquiries about the book, please call Suzuki at the Kawade Shobo Shinsha Editorial Department (03-3404-8611) or contact the editor, Sasaki (090-2638-6596 or
