Noto Peninsula - reaching out to animals in need【4】

It’s been four months since the earthquake in Noto. While television and media coverage has decreased, people are still unable to leave evacuation sites and move into emergency housing.
On April 20th, Ark took in four cats from the disaster area. They are all unique and cute cats. Staff went to the disaster area and completed intake procedures before bringing the cats to the Osaka Ark shelter.
The cat owner ran a restaurant in Ishikawa Prefecture, however, after the disaster, it was unclear when the restaurant would reopen. While their home was separate, it was necessary to move to find a new job. They were able to find a live-in work opportunity, but pets were not allowed. Ark was asked to temporarily take in the cats.
Understandably, the couple had conflicting feelings about surrendering the cats to the staff. Until the couple is able to move into pet-friendly housing, Ark agreed to take responsibility for their care.

◆Looking for a place for displaced pets?
Please contact ARK about boarding or surrender of your pets.
◆Information about help for displaced pets
Animal Donation is happy to help displaced pets by working with numerous animals shelters and offers practical help for those in need. Please see the above for details.
◆Monetary Donations for the Noto Peninsula
ARK has received many generous offers of monetary donations for Noto animals. We welcome donations for this specific purpose. Your donations will allow us to continue to take in displaced animals. Please note that your donations are tax deductible. Please remit your donations to the following account.
【Bank Details】
Mitsubishi UFJ Banking Corporation
Ikeda Branch
Account number: 1315229
Animal Refuge Kansai
Please use the following Form.
◆Inquiries about help available for displaced pets
Please fill in the form below.
Osaka ARK Office大阪事務局
Phone: 072-737-0712
Business Hours 10:00-16:00 ( Closed on Mondays and Wednesdays )

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