池田中学校のパネル展 大阪アーク 佐藤 景思
私は最終日のグッズ販売からイベントに参加しました。イベントの準備は極力生徒たちに行ってもらい、私は随時サポー トという形で進めておりましたが、おそらくグッズ販売は初めての経 験にも関わ らず、販売方法の提案をしてくれたり、 主体的に準備に取り組んでくれました。 グッズ販売が始まると担当の生徒たちによる事前の案内の効果もあり、保護者・ 先生を含め多くの方にお越しいただくことができました。
Ikeda JHS Keiji Sato, Osaka ARK
ARK held a panel exhibition at Ikeda JHS Attached to Osaka Kyoiku University (hereafter Ikeda JHS) from July 16 through 19. On the last day, we sold ARK original goods there.
I took part on the last day; my main task was to facilitate the sale of goods. The students took a very active role in preparing for this event; I was there to support them. Despite this probably being their first experience doing this type of work, the students suggested ways we might best sell our wares and really took the lead. They had taken the trouble to promote sales of goods before the day itself, so we had an excellent crowd including parents and teachers.
The event was part of the school’s Comprehensive Studies Program and involved group work focussed on service activities. Students suggested rescued animals as a suitable topic. I was grateful that students chose animal welfare out of a variety of genres and impressed by their keen interest in social problems. I doubt that I could have done nearly as well in my own youth.
I join everyone at ARK in hoping that schools will continue to hold similar awareness-raising events.
I sincerely hope that the students’ projects will be successful and that students at Ikeda JHS will hold similar events in the future.